JLR July 2004 minutes (draft)

The meeting was called to order at 7:01.

Roll call:  William, Dave A., Brianna, Ron D., Jackie, Johnny, Hayley, John C., Greg Lee, Page Rozelle, Dave I., Kathy I., Jim DenBleyker, Pat, Denise, Jamie, Pat, Duane, Lori, Ken, Bill S., Edgar, Jeannie and granddaughter.

Jackie led the Pledge to the Flag.

Approval of minutes:  minutes were approved for May and June

Reports:    Pres. – Jackie spoke about the flag and how appalling it is that apartment

                   complexes ban its display in apartment windows.  She stressed that

                   everyone needs to get out and vote this year.

                   V. Pres. – shooting report (attached)

                    Secy. – no report

                   Treasurer - $2607.29 is current balance.  Several members still owe dues

                                   (only 25 have paid).  Dave will send out notices about dues.  Dave

                                   needs articles for the newsletter.  Maria is to write up the SE, and

                                   Pat will write up the NE.

Old Business:  People who attended June workday are:  Jan, Dave I., Johnny, Chuck

                         Carter, Bob P., Charlie, Greg Lee, Page Rozelle, Bill & Leatha 

                         Schaubel, Ron Dodd, and Jamie.  Jan also cooked breakfast for


New members:  Greg Lee and page Rozelle.  Members approved voting on them in their

                          presence.  Members voted and approved their application for


July shoot:        Wilson’s will be at the NE.  They asked for everyone to remember to   

                          drive slowly because of their dogs.  Arrangements were made about the

                          locked gate.  Duane left briefcase with Dave Ikenberry (score sheets for

                          shoot.  Dan will do targets for archery.

July workday:  Club decided one was not needed.

Squirrel camp:  William thought we had never voted that we weren’t having a club

                         rendezvous.  Pat read in the minutes that it was voted on, reading it from

                         April’s minutes, that Duane had made the motion to combine club voo

                         and squirrel camp into one event in November (a scaled-down voo). 

                         John said he could help if need be, and a date will be set by Aug.



Post-meeting    Pat made a list of club members for clean-up.  At the end of meetings

Clean-up          from now on, we will call out a name for clean-up.  That name will

                         then be crossed off.  Jim D. has clean-up tonight.

Southeastern:   Flyers are available.  The date is April 2 to 10. 

Northeastern:   Several JLR members are going.

Update on Linda Collins:  Jackie reported they drained a cyst on her spine, and thinks

                                          she is doing well.  She thinks she may be back to work.

New Business:  Jackie asked members if anyone would want to take over any of the

                          jobs (or assist) that some members have been doing for quite some time,

                         and might need a break.  She mentioned several duties that members do

    Noone volunteered.  Jackie also wanted some clarification about food for

    the workday and shoot.  In the past, it has been $3 to shoot/eat, or just

    eat (food sometimes not provided).  Also, in the past, food has not been                                                                                                                                                                                                             provided for workdays.  Now, however, we are combining workdays along with the shoots.  She wanted to be sure that members understood that members had to pay to shoot even if they attended the workday.  Money from the shoots are to replace  targets, etc.

Edgar brought up about a new event coming up in Dahlonega, Georgia in

September.  Jackie asked him to get us more info as to the date, and where

it will be held.

Bill Schaubel said that he will be taking a job in Alabama, an emergency-preparedness job.  He will be back and forth, as his wife will remain here.

William mentioned about the raffle JLR will be doing at the NE.  The club

Purchased a Tony Bell bow and a smoke hawk by Edgar.  Several club members will be going to the event in New York.

The meeting adjourned at 7:38.