JLR MAY 2005 MINUTES:  (May 5, 2005) 

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm: by V.Pres. Ken Morris. 

Roll Call: Jan Wyman, William Wilson, Kathryn Wilson, Gary Tehan, Charlie Powell, Ken and Cathy Morris, Bobby Guris, Ron Dod, Terry Healy, Cheryl and Dick Beene, Johnny Shaffer 

Minutes: No minutes for the April Meeting were available.   



President: Jackie not at meeting.  She has been sick. 

V. President: A complete report was not available for the April shoot.  However, William reported that he won the aggregate hawk and knife event. 

Treasurer: Johnny Shaffer reported for Dave Anderson.  Club dues of $25.00 are due.  After tonight the dues will increase by $10.00 making the total due $35.00. 

Old Business: 

Southeastern: Charlie Powell asked that all receipts be given to club treasurer, Dave, no later than Sunday.  Charlie thanked everyone for participating/helping with the rendezvous.  Charlie reported that the thank-you dinner at Bob Pryor’s house went well despite the fact that everyone couldn’t attend.  Charlie gave special thanks to Ron Dodd and Daniel for helping clean up the rendezvous site.  Charlie reported that a propane company donated the propane and suggested a thank you be sent.  Charlie also thanked everyone who helped with the camp feed. 

Charlie reported that due to everyone’s hard work, careful planning, etc., thousands of dollars were saved for the foundation.  The exact figure has not been determined but he was about 25%-30% below budget compared to other rendezvous.  Jan suggested writing up a report to be published and Charlie suggested challenging other clubs to work towards decreasing the costs of future rendezvous.   

Charlie is to see if he can get the article and pictures used in the Monticello paper to go along with the information to be published. 

April Work Day: William gave a report on the last workday.  

1.   Bob Pryor was to buy material for the shoot backstops.   

2.   William asked that all materials purchased for the hooters be brought to the site so work could be completed. 

3.   Preparing firewood for next year was discussed but no specific plans were made. 

New Business: 

Ft. Morrow Long Rifles: Charlie voiced his thanks for the hard work this club did at the rendezvous.  He stated that the members were given t-shirts and blue bloomers as a thank you.  Charlie made the motion to adopt them as a brother/sister club which would entail sending them a copy of our newsletter, and making them honorary members of our club.  William seconded the motion.  Vote was carried.

Special mentioned from this club were Scott Stevens, Greg Petrie and his daughter, Bailey, Jeff, Denise, and Jason. 


May Shoot: The date for the May shoot has been changed to May 15 due to Mother’s Day being on May 8. 

June Work Day: June workday has been scheduled for June 12 at 9 am. 

Bushway 2006: Charlie opened discussion for finding a Bushway for the Club 2006 Rendezvous.  Charlie suggested Dave Ikleberry.  Charlie will speak with Dave about being the Bushway.  Charlie volunteered to be the Segundo. 

Meeting Site Stove: William discussed the problem he was having with the meeting site stove. After discussion it was decided that he needed to purchase a high pressure regulator.  Dick made a motion that he buy the high pressure regulator and and Ken seconded the motion.  The motion was carried. 

Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.

