December JLR Meeting, December 7, 2006


 Called to Order at 7:04pm

 Roll Call: William Wilson, Bob Pryor, Kenn and Cathy Morris, Charlie Powell, Dave Ikenberry, Deni Bloomquist, Dave Anderson, Jan Winans, Jim DenBleyker, Richard Iverson, Craig Ingles, Ron Dodd, and Terry Healey.

 Cleanup: Bob Pryor 

 November minutes: November minutes were emailed to members and copies provided at the meeting.  Dave I. made motion minutes be accepted as read and Jan 2nd the motion.  Motion carried.

 President Report: None

 Vice President Report: No vice president report.  Deni handed out qualifiers list for the championship events to be held this Sunday.  Check the website for a copy of this list.

 Secretary Report: None

 Treasurer Report: Balance is $563.87.  Dave has deposited $100, paid out $609.79 for insurance and $97.00 to William for prizes.

 Please submit stories from the Squirrel Camp for the Newsletter to Dave as soon as possible (



 August Minutes/By Laws Changes: Dave I. reported that the minutes for August have been misplaced.   Jackie is going to write up the By Laws changes that took place that night and the attendance which was Ken Morris, Dave Ikenberry, Jackie and Johnny Schaffer, Duane and Lori Ashe, Deni Bloomquist, William Wilson, Bob Pryor and Jim Den Bleyker.  This should be ready by the January Meeting. 
Scout Camporee: Ron D. reported that everyone had a great time especially the boys.  Count was 130 Scouts and 50 leaders.

 Squirrel Camp: Craig I. reported that the raffle and gate fee brought in $285. 

  Members discussed the club paying for the toilets.  William W. reported that the fee wouldn’t be as much as usual because we only received one pump.  Charlie P. made a motion that the club pay the toilet fee and Duane A. 2nd the motion.  Motion was carried.

  Craig reported that the club had given him $150 for prizes and $200 was spent.  After paying the $50 difference that leaves $235 available for prizes next year. 

  There was discussion on how to make money for prizes such as changing gate fees, getting desirable items for the raffle, etc.  No decisions made.  Tabled until next meeting.

 William’s Large Tent: William has not come up with a price for the tent yet.  He will have at the next meeting.

 Club Rendezvous: Members discussed changing the date back to Feb. 22-25, 2007.  No recommendation from the Booshways was submitted. No motions made. After discussion it was left that the rendezvous would stay as scheduled for Feb. 15-18, 2007.


 St. Marks National Wildlife Heritage Festival: Dave I. reported he had received a request from a Ranger Edel stating there was going to be a one day festival at St. Marks and he was requesting the club participate with a demonstration of knife throwing, black powder, and/or archery.  The event would be on February 10, 2007.  Dave said he would get more information as members had questions concerning shooting conditions, etc.  Dave will report at January meeting.

 Gun Powder: Dave A. has received some gun powder sent to him in error and to make a long story short, the company sold it to him half price.  He will be selling it for $6 per pound.  He will be at the shoot on Sunday, Dec. 10 or contact him for more information (

 Work Day: William reminded everyone that the meeting site needs cleaning up, hooter needs to completed (or started), water tank needs care, and wood needs to be cut up and split for club rendezvous.  January 14 will be a workday, starting at 9:00 am and shoot will start at 1:00 pm.

  Members also discussed have one full workday either Feb. 3 or 4 to finish preparing for the club rendezvous.

 Southeastern Raffle: William brought up doing a raffle at the Southeastern this year. Using the hawk from Edgar was discussed.   Charlie P. didn’t think there would be many people at the Southeastern.  Jan W. stated he would find out how pre-registration is going and report to the club.  Bob P. made a motion that a raffle be held, Cathy 2nd the motion.  Motion carried.

 There being no other business, meeting adjourned at 8:07pm.

 Cathy Morris