Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm by Ken Morris

 Role Call: Vickie and Bob Pryor, Duane and Lori Ashe, Johnny and Hallie Shaffer, Jim Denbleker, Dave Ikenberry, Dave and Brianna Anderson, Ken and Cathy Morris, Katherine and William Wilson, John Cole, Charlie Powell, Terry Healy, and Craig Engle.

Visitor: Hines Bartell

December Minutes unavailable.


President: Jackie not present.  She is sick again.

Vice President: No Report

Secretary: No Report

Treasurer: No deposits have been made.  Balance $1,160.08

Club dues for 2006 will be due after the club rendezvous.  You may start paying now if you would like.

Dave would like to get a newsletter out before the rendezvous.  Please submit articles to him (alfaguy@nettally.com) by January 15, 2006.
 Dave is collecting orders for powder.  Contact him as soon as possible if interested.

 Clean Up: Johnny Shaffer


Boy Scout Camporee:  Camporee to be held the weekend before Squirrel Camp in November.  Dave I. made a motion that the club help with the camporee.  Charlie 2nd. After discussion motion was carried.

William W. volunteered to be the contact person for the Scouts.

Squirrel Camp: Craig reported on Squirrel Camp.  Gave a big thank you to Duane for mowing and providing oysters.

Craig reported $155 was spent on prizes and suggested that $150 be allotted for prizes for next Squirrel Camp so prizes can be obtained from Alafie and Southeastern.  John made a motion that $150 be allotted for Squirrel Camp 2006.  Charlie 2nd motion.  After discussion, motion was carried. 
Charlie gave Craig a big thank you for the hard work he put into the camp.

Work Day: Sunday, January 8 at 9:00AM

 Club Rendezvous 2006:

 Dave I. reported that workdays were needed to cut down the pine tree and William reported that the wood on the power line needed to be cut.  The steel targets need to be put up.

 Duane has printed tickets for the gun raffle (a 45 caliber by Wilderness).  Tickets are $10 each for the gun only.  Club member can get tickets to be sold to the public from Dave I.

 Charlie reported that Bob Walker and Bob McGinnis would like information on the Club Rendezvous and the TradeFaire.  Dave I. will get information to them.
TradeFaire: William reported that club members can set up the weekend before.  Early set up starts Monday.  Faire will be Fri-Sat-Sun with break down on Sunday and everything must be gone by Monday. 

Katherine reported that Patty is sending information out to teachers.

Hines B. requested some flyers on TradeFaire and Club Rendezvous to hand out at Scout Meeting.


Charlie reported that he had been approached by Cub Scouts to help with a camp in June or July in which members would be asked to help with shooting, archery, etc.  Camp would be in Wakulla Co. or some other location.

Charlie reported that Patty thought it would be a good idea to purchase a box of all occasion cards to be kept at the meeting site so members could sign when a card needed to be sent.
William made a motion and Cathy 2nd motion.  Motion was carried.  Cathy will purchase the cards.

William reminded Dave A. about writing a check for use of the land for the club.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm by Ken Morris.