Saturday - March 10, 2007 - 8:00am - meet at shoot site for workday to clean up after rendezvous.

 Sunday March 11 - 9:00 am: Another workday and Shoot in the afternoon.

 I have had to resign as Secretary.  Be thinking of someone to do the job - Cathy

 March Minutes:

 JLR Meeting March 1, 2007                   DRAFT

 Members Present: Dave Ikenberry, Dave Anderson, Bob and Vickie Pryor, Ken and Cathy Morris, Ron Dodd, Dick Beene, William Wilson, Duane Ashe, Jim Denblyker, Roger Witt, Deni and Beth Bloomquist, Marty Harris, Jan Winans, Terry Healey Charlie Powell.

 Clean up: Dick Beene and Bob Pryor

 January Minutes: Beth made a motion to accept minutes and Bob 2nd motion.  Motion carried.

 February Minutes: Duane made a motion to accept minutes and Beth 2nd motion.  Motion carried.

 President Report: Dave I. reminded everyone of the Wife Swap program offer.  No one indicated that they were interested in participating at the present time.

 Vice President Report: No report.

 Secretary Report: Secretary resigned due to a change in her work schedule.  Cathy would not be available on Thursdays to attend meetings and take minutes.

 Treasurers Report: Dave A. reported that there was a balance of $1130.71 in the account.
  He received money from the rendezvous and auction from Beth and will make that deposit.  He has also received some dues money to deposit.  He has recently paid the Charter.

  He asked that everyone please turn in any rendezvous receipts to him as soon as possible. 

  Club Newsletter: Please get pictures to Dave so he can include in newsletter.
Dave asked members in charge of events to get a list of winners to him.

  Dave also handed out budgets he had made of the 2006 and 2007 rendezvous where he is going to compare cost of the budget planned and actual cost of each rendezvous.


 Wildlife Festival: Ron reported that the club participation in this event was a success.  Thanks to Duane, Dave A., Dan, (and also Ron) who represented the club.  Our club was the only event with hands on demonstrations.  The public enjoyed the events.  Dave A. reported we made an impression and he has received a Letter of Recognition for our participation.  It was also reported that there was TV coverage that mentioned our club’s participation.

 Club Rendezvous: Beth reported on the club rendezvous. 

  Approximately 35 paid campers.
 Thanks to Segundo Lori Ashe, competition volunteers (Bob Pryor, Roger Witt, Bobn, Deni Bloomquist, Buck Jackson, and Lori Ashe).
 Special thanks to Joe and Ruth for the delicious meals.
 Thanks to William and Kathryn who hosted the event.
 - $18 Beef
 - $31.50 for salad, potatoes and salad dressings
 Bal $555.50

  Still unpaid:

  -$82.56 archery prizes (Deni)
 -$26.24 shells for the medallions (Beth)

   Auction: $797

 Thanks to all who made donations.  (Copy of Beth’s complete report will be placed with March Official minutes)

 A big thank you to Beth, Lori, and Jackie!!!!!!!!!!!!

 There was a discussion that some club members thought the club rendezvous was a closed rendezvous.  Deni reminded everyone that while the rendezvous is not closed, it is only advertised by word of mouth.  Discussion of putting the rendezvous dates on the website for next year.  Setting a date for next years rendezvous as soon as possible was also discussed - next year’s Booshway (Roger) stated he would do this.

 February Shoot Report: Charlie gave a verbal report.  Charlie will get report to Secretary for inclusion into March minutes when he gets all the results.

 Dave I. encouraged everyone to get busy making their items for next year’s prizes.  Beth reported that the hand made items brought in more money at the rendezvous auction.

 Rendezvous Cleanup: Dave I. asked William if cleanup was needed.  William reported that targets needed to be moved back.  Benches and other items need to be moved back. 

 New Business:

 William reported:

  l.  Holes (from gophers, fire holes, etc) at the campsite need to be filled in.

  2.  He has noted some rotting in the Meeting Bldg and the upstairs needs to be closed in to prevent further damage.

  3.  He has logs stacked up that need to be split before they are no longer any good.  It would be better if they could be cut up before the weather gets hot.

  4.  Hooters cost over $300.  He may have some alternative suggestions.

  5.  Since everyone enjoyed the use of the big tent at the rendezvous he suggested maybe building a pavilion type building at the campsite.  He also suggested that we could possible purchase canvas to hang around the sides when needed for cold weather.

  6.  One of the tables in the Meeting Bldg needs a new top.

  7.  Items are needed for the raffle at the Southeastern.

 In light of the above, it was decided that:

 MARCH 10, SATURDAY WILL BE A WORK DAY.  MEET AT 8:00 AM AT THE SHOOT SITE.  First priority will be to split logs.  Everyone is encouraged to bring their chain saws.  Cathy made a motion that another log splitter be rented and Beth 2nd the motion.  Motion carried.  Jan will get the log splitter.

Dave I. opened up nominations for a new Secretary.  No nominations were made.  Tabled until next meeting.

 William reported that Edgar and Jeannie both were looking at surgery soon.

 Dave A. reported that he had seen Art and Nancy and they were pretty much home bound.
                      Cathy Morris, Secretary