June JLR Meeting






NEXT MEETING is 07-02-09 at Bob’s garage with dinner ($3) at 6:30 and meeting at 7 PM.  In honor of the 4th of July there will be hotdogs and more.


NEXT SHOOT is 07-12-09 at the range.  Lunch and events are $3.   


NORTHEASTERN PRIMITIVE RENDEZVOUS is July 11-18, 2009 in Newark Valley at 155 Skellett Rd, Harpusville, NY 13787.


MIDWEST PRIMITIVE REDNEZVOUS is July 18-25, 2009 at Palymyra, MO with 5765 N500 W, Angola, IN 46703.


EASTERN PRIMITIVE RENDEZVOUS is from September 25, 2009 to October 3, 2009 at Muddy Run Park, PA with 270 McCorkle Rd, Hershey, PA 17033.



MEETING 06-04-09


Dave I called the meeting to order at 7:25 PM.


Roll Call:  Vickie, Jan, Pat, Gary, John, Bob, Ron, Charlie, Dave I, and Jim.


Dave I asked the club to accept the minutes, and Jan motioned acceptance, and Gary seconded.  The ayes were unanimous. 


President’s report – David I had nothing to report.    


Vice President’s report – Charley for Roger said that William won archery.  In April William won archery, and William won rifle, while Duane won smooth bore.  There was no hawk.    


Secretary’s report – Ron brought up mailing the club welcome letter to Germany as that is higher than regular mail.  Pat thought we should mail to Detlef even if cost more.  We should also send an email as well.  Bob motioned we do that, and Jan seconded.   The ayes were unanimous except for John’s nay.


Treasurer’s report – There was no report.







Ron and Charlie being the only ones at the work day prior to the shoot in May decided to decline. 


Charlie said the back stop for the range was still ok, but could used new sheets.  Dave asked if there were enough funds in the shoot fund, around $200, for the sheeting.  Jan said there was enough money.  John said he got some photographic targets from Jamie, and would bring then for the next shoot.


Pat and Charlie showed the horn made by Pete for the Blue Jacket Match winner.  All thought the horn was very impressive with a very nice strap.   She would take to Rita to take to the winner and present it to him with Father John. 




Jan said that bringing back the Blue Jacket match and award involved a great deal of work by a lot of people. Charlie went over the history of the match.  A few years ago no one was working on getting the scores and getting an award to the winner.  It was basically ignored in 2005 and 2006.  The shingles were still mostly recorded and were sent in, but it ended there.  It may have been for need for other matters, but little was done.  The first thing to do was to get the 5 boshways to send in the shingles and medallions, then score the shingles sent in, and finally get the awards out and the match results announced.  Rita helped here getting things going at NRLHF.  Then a club had to take it over and get all of the shingles, do the scoring work, get the prize, get the prize to the winner, and announce the results.  The Jefferson Longrifles completed that.  John said that there will be an article in Muzzle Blasts about the Blue Jacket Match and the powder horn and strap that will go to the winner.  Jan said another article should appear in 6 months.  Gary remembered that when he won the Blue Jacket Match a few years ago, he only got a certificate.  The mounted shingles did look very nice.


The club brought up the idea of switching the meeting to the 4th of July, but then it was decided to keep on the 2nd of July or first Thursday of July.  In honor of the 4th, there will be hot dogs.


At 8:15 PM Jan motioned to close the meeting and Gary seconded.  The ayes were unanimous except for John’s nay.


Bob did clean up.